Ep 32 - Riva Speedboat to the Stars

Ever wonder what that glamorous, gleaming, mahogany-sided boat James Bond was driving on the Côte d'Azur was?

Most likely, it was a Riva Aquarama—the Italian luxury runabout built in Sarnico, Italy, for the past 62 years. Now owned by the luxury yacht builder Ferretti Group, Riva has been the choice of film stars, race car drivers, and fashion moguls. Riva is the pinnacle of Sixties speedboat style. As one owner said, "The Riva Aquarama is the most stylish boat of all time."

Ciao, Riva!

Audio & Visual Production by Griffin Bengraff


Ep 31 - Six Meter Pre-Worlds Take to Long Island Sound in September 2024